Yelp UX Improvement




Product Design


February 7, 2023

Yelp provides a one-stop local platform for consumers to discover, connect and transact with local businesses of all sizes by making it easy to request a quote, join a waitlist or make a reservation, and make an appointment or purchase.

I was tasked with researching the website and finding ways to improve the user's journey and implement solutions that would benefit the company, the business owners, and the customers. 


Audit the website and find ways to improve the experience


-Improve the Website experience.

-Attract more users and businesses.

-Improve the review system.

-Improve search functionality.

Understanding the user:

I started the process by researching the users and their struggles with the website. I did primary (Qualitative) and secondary research in order to start gathering insights and establish user pain points. My research was light due to the scope of the project.

Add Your Tooltip Text Here

For the homepage, we added a card that reflects the business mentioned in the carousel picture, we removed the activity section and replaced it with a grid that shows businesses of interest to the user by gathering information about his preferences and frequent visits to the site, and we two sections that incentivize new-comers to download the app and for businesses to create a profile for their brand on Yelp. 

For the write-a-review page, we now have more options for the user to verify their order and provide more credibility as well as an extra text box for people to add any tips or warning that they feel they should share.

We noticed that people with dietary options don't have a lot of information when searching for food so we added a filter so that users can easily find food they can eat. we also made sure to make the CTA buttons on each result more visible.