Redesigning the mobile and web e-commerce experience of Ouedkniss




Product Design


March 15, 2022

Ouedkniss is an Ads/E-commerce Website that allows the users to sell new or used products (such as cars, electronics, clothes, real estates…etc). The Goal behind this project was to improve the day-to-day user experience of the website and to design a better app for the users.


Improve the user’s mobile and web journey and provide a better platform for sellers.


-Improve the Mobile app & Website experience.

-Attract & empower the sellers by giving them more features.

-Revise Shop plans.

-Improve the performance of the website and app.

-Improve search functionality.

-Minimize design debt.

Understanding the user:

To Start off I began the process by researching the users and their struggles with the website/app. I did primary (Qualitative) and secondary research in order to start gathering insight and establish user pain points.

Meet the User:

To Start off I began the process by researching the users and their struggles with the website/app. I did primary (Qualitative) and secondary research in order to start gathering insight and establish user pain points.


Highlighting the biggest problems:

After that I gathered what I learned to highlight the biggest issues the users were facing. The biggest problem users were complaining about was the mobile app, the app was nothing but a web view app and it had many bugs and problems that were harming the experience. The second most the lack of instant messaging feature, the users all complained that there’s no messaging feature.

The Solutions:

We came with the following solutions for the problems


Native app for Ouedkniss

We designed a native app for both Android and iOS. We took the liberty to revisit the visual language of the brand and improve upon it.


Better Store Plans for businesses

we asked ourselves what feature can we bring to the table for our users. we came up with many potential options to add and then we selected the most effective/impactful ones to introduce.


Messaging Platform

We re-introduced a messaging feature for Ouedkniss, this time it is better executed than before. You’ll be able to send messages to sellers and contact them directly to inquire about their offerings.


Rating and Review System

One of the things that were overlooked and highly demanded was a rating system so people can build confidence when making a purchase. so it was necessary to add this feature that should've been added earlier.


As an everyday user of Ouedkniss, Redesigning the mobile experience was a necessary step to solve the user's painpoints since 70% of users access Ouedkniss through their phone. And after conducting small-scale usability tests we found that 87% of users felt much more comfortable using the new mobile app and we predict that this will result in an increase of atleast 50% of sales completed through mobile, and a 34% increase in store plan sales.


Through this project i learned that being Mobile-being has a much bigger impact on the business than i originally anticipated. I noticed that organizing information and assets really helped with the overall productivity and the flexibility of the project