Lister: Providing an easy way to get tickets online in Algeria.




Product Design


February 1, 2023

Lister is a ticketing app that empowers Algerian users to host their event and sell tickets for it online easily and securely. the need for such an app originated from the fact that there are no ways for buy tickets for your favorite event online in Algeria, this was also a necessity since traveling and waiting long hours to get tickets for big sports matches was problematic, chaotic and it result in many sports fans getting injured and some even lost their lives.


Design a Product that allows Algerian to buy Tickets Online.


-Providing a large catalogue of events, sport matches and conferences.

-Facilitating the process of buying a ticket.

-Allow users to create and host their own events.

-Keeping the users up to date with interesting events happening around them.

Research, Discovery and Analysis:

To kick off i started by gathering secondary research that is relevant to our problem. my initial research also including conducting interview with potential users to understand more about their needs and pain point.

After that i proceeded to create personas, empathy maps and user journey maps to further improve my findings and empathize with out users.


I discovered that many people are in need of a way to buy tickets without wasting their time and many people feel like they want to know about events and interesting opportunities happening near them and that they feel like the absence of a dedicated platform and the impracticality of existing social media don't meet their needs and expectations.

The Solution:

We drew wireframes, crafted a design system,  and refined the designs then we created hi-fi mockups that represent the final look of the app and its features.

Home Screen

The home screen includes a feed that is always adapting to the user's preferences and needs. It displays all the necessary information and allows easy access to other features of the app.


The event screens can be easily skimmed for important key details about the event with a call to action button for the user to dive right in.


All the available tickets are easily available in the tickets tab. Tickets can be checked wirelessly through the organizer companion app.

Business accounts

Businesses can create their own profile and provide information for the public and tease their upcoming events and meet-ups.